Wow, if I could I would be in and out of CVS all day, every day this week doing this deal. It is an awesome deal if you like Pepsi products. Although you can mix and match other items, I chose to stay with the soda since it seems to disappear fast in our house. I will also be doing this on my DH CVS card, that he doesn't even know he has, even though the oop will be higher than it was on my totals. Here is how my deal brakes down:
Transaction 1:
6 12pks Pepsi Soda
= $20+ tax
- $5 off $20 CVS Coupon
- $7.00 EBs
Total OOP $8.00 + tax
Get Back $10 EB
Transaction 2:
6 12pks Pepsi Soda
= $20+tax
-$4 off $20 CVS email coupon
-$10 EB from Transaction 1
Total OOP $6.00+tax
Get Back $10 EB
Summary: 12 12pks Pepsi for a total of $13 OOP